We are very excited and can't imagine the way our lives will change this next summer. We find out on Feb 7th if we are expecting a sister or a brother. Oh my!
Little has turned into a boisterous toddler overnight. She has been a challenge and a blast. Just today while putting away her toys I had some great flashbacks of cleaning up after toddlers at Hancock. Man I MISS my job! I still kind of feel like I've been on a crazy extended vacation. Maybe with a second one coming a home daycare is in my future. We shall see.
What you have missed if you haven't had the chance to see my amazing kiddo these days is...
A. A huge amount of language. Every time she says "okayee" in response to a question or her own needs, it melts our hearts. The other day while at dinner she said, "more more please please okayeeee". She started to say "mommy" and "daddy" on Christmas instead of mumma and dadda. So sweet. We have even noticed some 2 word phrases like "aw baby" and "sit-down". Every day I'm amazed at how well we can communicate with each other.
B. She's incredibly affectionate. She loves her family and will ask to sing songs about each family member. She finds a picture of her uncle Timmy and will kiss it and say "timmeeeee" while hugging him. She takes care of her baby dolls and is in general fascinated by babies. She feeds them bottles, pats their backs, and puts them to bed. When we recently saw her new baby cousin she was so interested in why he was crying. When I ask her, "what does the baby do?" she says "cry" and then we both say "shhhh shhh shhh." Out of nowhere she will give a hug or kiss and will sing along with her dad and I when we sing the night night song before bed. She also is starting to get attached to stuffed animals. Pierre the polar bear was a classroom favorite and now has become her favorite. He comes everywhere with us. Since Christmas she has fallen in love with a stuffed Mickey from her uncle. She hugs him so tight when she sleeps.
C. She is super independent. She eats with utensils and is becoming a pro. She steps on a little stool in the bathroom and brushes her teeth. And she reads books to herself. Of course with independence comes frustration. She hates getting her coat and shoes on and becomes a little sassafras when we have to do it ;)
D. She loves pretend play which is so cool! Her new kitchen from Santa (made with love by Papa, Nana and Daddy) is amazing. She cooks, washes dishes, and bakes cookies. She got a grocery cart from my mom and will walk around the house with it saying "shop". She also got a pretend vacuum just like mommas and when she used it for the first time she yelled, "yayee."
She is great. We are handling the winter weather as best as we can and now that I'm feeling better I think we will have some more adventures together before the baby comes. I hope to post again soon. I know how important it is for her teachers to see her growing up. I think so often about how much fun she would be having if she were still with that group. Not to mention my heartbreak that my next baby won't have those same early learning experiences. Sigh...
This next video always makes me feel better. ;)
This post brought to you by other people who have created amazing play kitchens...
Play kitchens
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Oh my gosh, she is just the cutest! Congratulations on a new little one on the way! I am missing JHCCC too, but at least we all had that time together. Happy Holidays!