I should clarify I don't
always hate the beach. I love it in the evening, I love watching fireworks at the beach, and I love a 76 degree day at the beach with a good book. So on day four as I'm driving to Plymouth to meet JHCCC girls I had a thought to myself...I thought, "What in holy hell am I thinking?" It was about 1,000 degrees out, I had a TON of stuff with me, and I was traveling
alone a day before a hurricane is to hit this very area. Hmmm...
Even though when Amelia and I arrived we had to lug everything down flights of stairs, my sugar was low and I had no sunscreen on, it was 100% worth it.
this is why it was worth it...

Amelia was so excited to see her teacher and my friend Lynne. If Lynne hadn't been there I honestly wouldn't have been able to do everything. She went to her right away and Lynne got her into her bathing suit in no time. "Little" is a little bit afraid of the ocean but felt secure in her arms. She cried even at the thought of Lynne walking away from us and couldn't stand it when she was out of her sight. When we got back to the beach house we were all sticky, sandy, and gross. Lynne brought her right into the outdoor shower and cleaned her up. She = family. It melted my heart and broke my heart all at once. Just the night before I left I was talking to Dave about whether or not it was too risky to travel with the storm coming. As I was telling him about my reasons for wanting to go, I told him that I want to try my very best (for our daughter) to keep seeing Lynne, Lisa, and Jen as much as we possibly can. After all they have changed her diapers and kissed her boo boos more than we have. That is something that a lot of parents could be jealous of...I am beyond appreciative of it.
I know that I can text, call, or facebook all of my close friends from JH, I know that the Duells and the Parms will forever be in touch. But Amelia can't just hop on a computer and see how Lynne is doing. She needs her mother who may hate the beach and might not feel up to traveling to get off her butt and be sure she gets hugs and squeezes from some of her favorite people.
I was exhausted when I got home and had to laugh about my trying to feed Amelia a blueberry muffin and give her milk from a straw on the way back. I will never forget a sippy cup again! I love my friends and appreciate their kindness. This was an adventure I won't forget. And of course there were other reasons to smile while I was there including these ones...
JC giving bread to Emily to feed the birds | |
Emily eating the bird's bread |
JC pointing at the birds :) |
Oh and then there was Amelia's future prom date...go ahead and melt.